Remineralizing Toothpaste

Remineralizing Toothpaste helps strengthen acid-weakened enamel and prevents tooth decay. Choose a toothpaste that has undergone clinical testing and contains safe ingredients.toothpaste

While you cannot regain lost enamel, remineralizing toothpaste can help increase the mineral content of remaining enamel. This will help strengthen teeth, repair weak spots, and make them less sensitive to hot and cold.

The minerals that make up your teeth and enamel are constantly being stripped away by acids in foods and beverages, plaque bacteria (which eat sugars to grow) and the environment. Over time, this can lead to a loss of enamel and tooth sensitivity to hot, cold or air. This process is called demineralization.

Remineralizing toothpaste contains ingredients that help to stimulate and accelerate the remineralization of the tooth surface. These include xylitol, which is a natural sweetener that starves bacteria of their sugar source and increases saliva flow to neutralize mouth acid and prevent plaque. Fluoride is another mineral that helps remineralize the teeth by forming a harder, more acid-resistant material called fluorapatite on the tooth surface. It also makes the hydroxyapatite in the remineralizing toothpaste more effective by boosting its binding ability to the tooth surface.

In a study that randomly assigned 48 white spot lesion (early stage of carious lesions) patients to four different types of remineralizing toothpastes, researchers found that the toothpaste containing calcium phosphate and nHA significantly reduced tooth decay and white spots when used twice daily for six months. The other three types of toothpaste had no effect.

The remineralizing toothpaste that contained nHA and FLUORIDE not only helped the teeth to regain their natural hardness, but it also strengthened weak areas in the tooth structure and plugged exposed dentin tubules, reducing sensitivity. This was compared to the herbal remineralizing toothpaste, which had no significant remineralization effects.

This remineralizing toothpaste is made with all-natural ingredients. It is a great option for anyone who experiences sensitivity to hot and cold food and drinks or a general feeling that their teeth aren’t as strong as they should be. However, it is important to remember that remineralizing toothpaste cannot replace regular visits to your dentist for professional cleanings and evaluation of your oral health. Your dentist will be able to advise you on other ways to keep your teeth healthy, including a balanced diet, managing chronic medical conditions like acid reflux or vomiting and vitamin/mineral supplementation. They may also recommend a prescription remineralizing toothpaste for individuals with severe enamel damage.


When remineralizing toothpaste is applied to teeth, the ingredients in it are able to bond with weakened enamel, much like patches sewn into worn out fabric. These “patches” form calcium and phosphate which help repair weakened tooth enamel and strengthen teeth. They can also prevent further deterioration of the enamel and promote remineralization. Most remineralizing toothpastes contain fluoride, which is a mineral that helps keep the enamel of your teeth strong. Some of them may also contain hydroxyapatite. Hydroxyapatite has been shown to be as effective at remineralizing weakened tooth enamel as fluoride.

The best remineralizing toothpaste is one that contains minerals such as phosphorous, calcium, and silica. These minerals are naturally found in the saliva and are able to remineralize teeth that have been damaged by acid erosion or dental decay. These minerals also help reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease, and they can strengthen weak and brittle teeth.

Although a healthy diet and good oral hygiene can prevent most tooth damage, some people have teeth that are more prone to acid erosion or dental decay than others. Some people have medical conditions that affect the body’s ability to remineralize teeth, such as hypocalcemia (low calcium), or postmenopausal women who are experiencing osteopenia (weakening of the bone).

Teeth can lose minerals if they are exposed to acids in foods or drinks, and it is not uncommon for this to occur in people with a highly sugary diet or those with a history of tooth decay. If this occurs, it is important to remineralize the teeth as quickly as possible to reduce damage and avoid cavities.

Remineralizing toothpaste is a natural, safe, and easy way to help protect the health of your teeth. However, it is not a substitute for visiting your dentist for regular exams and treatment of tooth decay or gum problems. For the best results, use remineralizing toothpaste with an ADA seal of acceptance and talk to your dentist about your specific needs. They may recommend a prescription remineralizing toothpaste that has higher levels of fluoride and is designed to penetrate the root of the tooth as well as the enamel.


Hydroxyapatite is a mineral that naturally occurs in teeth, bones, and saliva. It is the main constituent of the mineral part of your enamel and dentine. It is one of the most studied materials in dentistry for preventive, restorative and regenerative applications. New dental materials, still experimental, contain this ingredient in its nano-crystalline form. Hydroxyapatite has significant remineralizing effects on initial enamel lesions, certainly superior to fluoride, and good results for sensitivity.

Eating a balanced diet and using the right toothpaste can help keep your teeth remineralized and healthy. However, some people lose more minerals from their teeth than others due to their diet, lifestyle or health conditions. Eating foods high in calcium and phosphate, drinking plenty of water and visiting your dentist regularly can slow this process.

The body does its best to maintain remineralization, but the teeth are constantly exposed to acids and sugars from food, drinks and bacteria in the mouth that can eat away at the enamel, causing cavities or sensitivity. Remineralizing toothpastes contain ingredients that stimulate this natural process and help restore the minerals lost by your teeth.

A remineralizing toothpaste contains calcium, phosphate and hydroxyapatite, which have been shown to stimulate remineralization of the tooth surface. The toothpaste also has a sweetener, xylitol, which can starve the bacteria in the mouth of glucose, stopping their growth and preventing the formation of plaque. It also has an added benefit of increasing saliva flow, which can neutralize the acid in the mouth and wash away the bacterial debris.

If you have sensitive teeth, it is important to see your dentist to find the right treatment for you. They may recommend a stronger prescription remineralizing toothpaste that contains more fluoride, and is designed to penetrate deeper into the enamel to remineralize a damaged surface. Your dentist can also advise you on a diet that will prevent further loss of minerals from the teeth. In some cases, they might recommend a supplement to increase the amount of calcium in your diet. They might also be able to recommend other treatments, such as laser treatment for gum disease, that can help with sensitivity.


While brushing is an important part of your oral health routine, the type and frequency of toothpaste you use can also play a big role in helping to promote or inhibit tooth decay. Remineralizing toothpastes contain ingredients like hydroxyapatite, calcium phosphate, and sodium bicarbonate to help rebuild tooth enamel and prevent acid erosion.

Hydroxyapatite is a mineral found in the human body and in nature. It is able to bond to weakened tooth enamel and form patches similar to those that would be sewn into worn out fabric, strengthening the teeth and preventing additional damage. In addition to hydroxyapatite, remineralizing toothpastes often contain other ingredients such as silica and sodium fluoride to strengthen the teeth and reduce sensitivity.

During the day, our mouths are subjected to several acid attacks from foods and drinks. These acids can eat through the protective enamel layer, leaving your teeth vulnerable to bacteria and the damaging effects of glycine and citric acid. The good news is that the early stages of tooth enamel demineralization are reversible, and remineralizing toothpaste can help to turn this around.

The best remineralizing toothpaste will feature active remineralizing ingredients like NovaMin which is made of synthetic nano hydroxyapatite and provides phosphorus, calcium and silica to strengthen the teeth and reverse the early signs of enamel erosion. Remineralizing toothpastes with NovaMin can strengthen weakened enamel, reverse white spot lesions and even help to prevent future tooth decay.

In addition to using remineralizing toothpaste, there are many things you can do to support your oral health and remineralization including drinking plenty of water, avoiding acidic foods and sugary drinks, eating a balanced diet, daily flossing, and routine dental visits. These proactive steps can prevent tooth decay and promote remineralization.

Brushing with remineralizing toothpaste and following the other tips above will help to improve your oral health and strengthen your smile. This can lead to less sensitivity, stronger teeth to resist bacteria and avoid the need for a dentist drill or root canal specialist. This will save you money, pain, and time! So get out there and brush, floss, and rinse with a remineralizing toothpaste.